Recents in Beach

You can be immortal if you break this principle

‘Every soul will taste death’ (Surah Ambiya, verse 35)

But why can't we be immortal, why do we have to reach old age! You have to die! What does science say here?

The key to human immortality lies at the very end of our chromosome, called the telomere. But what is this telomere? Eats or gives head? Let's explain in a simple way.

Our body is made up of a combination of numerous cells, with the nucleus at the center. This nucleus contains double stranded DNA or chromosomes in a coiled state. The special part of the DNA at the very end of this chromosome is called the telomere. That is, since each cell in our human body has 46 chromosomes and each has two arms, so the total number of telomeres stands at 92.

So this is telomere. But what does it do? Did you notice that there is a small plastic part at the very end of the shoelace? One day break that plastic part and notice exactly what happens to the shoe laces. Our chromosomes are just like the shoe laces and telomeres are the plastic part. Telomeres actually protect our chromosomes so that they do not become disjointed or interconnected. If a chromosome does not have telomeres, it causes a variety of cell abnormalities, which in many cases can lead to diseases such as cancer.

There are many other important functions of telomeres. However, lets go the analysis of the relation with telomeres and old age or death.

DNA replication occurs at every moment during our cell division which is called DNA replication. In this way, from one DNA to two, from two to four, it continues to grow at a proportional rate. But the riots started from that time when the end-to-end replication of DNA begins. A DNA strand is replicated from the beginning and little by little new DNA is formed. Come to the last, can no longer be replicated for the primer (supporting material). Tell me the matter? Suppose you are standing on the floor of your house and painting the floor. But there will come a time when you will no longer be able to paint the part where you are standing.

Thus, with each cell division, the length of the telomere gradually decreases and a time comes when the cell dies. And this telomere shortening is one of the main causes of aging. The presence of an enzyme called telomeres between the ovum and the sperm does not reduce the length of this telomere, but rather the amount of decay that occurs each time it returns. But the performance of this enzyme in our body cells is very low. And this is exactly the reason why even if the egg or sperm is immortal, man cannot be immortal.

According to scientific research, obesity, stress, anxiety or smoking significantly accelerate this process of telomere shortening. So no matter how much Edge-Miracle is used, to prevent aging, telomeres must be protected. And when you see older people, you must respect them. Remember his DNA is much more replicated than yours.

But personally, when people think that they will become immortal, they start to feel suffocated. I mean, if something has a beginning but no end, maybe the balance of this world will be upset. Maybe it's better to look for happiness in taking birth and death together.

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