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There are ten reasons for damaging kidney.

Every year millions of people around the world die of kidney problems. The kidneys are the most important organ in the body. But many of us do not know how to take proper care of it, how to live daily life without kidney damage. In daily life we ​​do many things that can cause damage to the kidneys. A report by Organic lists 10 reasons.

1. Not drinking enough water

One of the most common causes of kidney damage every day is not drinking enough water. One of the main functions of the kidneys is to remove digestive wastes from the body and maintain the balance of red blood cells. But if you do not drink enough water, the blood flow to the kidneys decreases. This results in the accumulation of contaminated chemicals in the blood.

2. Not urinating for a long time

One of the daily problems is not urinating for a long time. Urban women are particularly vulnerable to this problem due to the lack of adequate public toilets. Prolonged bladder filling can cause various complications in the body. Stress on the muscles can lead to complex diseases such as diverticulosis.

3. Eat more salt

Another important function of the kidneys is to digest the salt mixed in different foods. Salt used in cooked or packaged foods is a major source of sodium in our body. But most of this sodium has to be excreted as waste through digestion. When we eat too much salt, the kidneys have to be much more busy processing this sodium. This puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys.

4. More addicted to caffeine

When we get thirsty, we often drink soft drinks without drinking water. But these drinks contain a lot of caffeine. Excess caffeine can raise blood pressure in the body. Excess blood pressure also puts pressure on the kidneys and causes damage to the kidneys.

5. Dependence on painkillers:

Headaches, sore throats, whatever it is, many of us have a bad habit of taking painkillers orally. But almost all painkillers have some side effects. These drugs are harmful to various organs including kidneys. Studies have shown that long-term reliance on regular painkillers lowers blood pressure and reduces kidney function.

6. Eat more protein

If the kidneys are damaged, it is not right to eat more red meat or beef. High protein foods can put pressure on the kidneys. However, protein-rich foods can be eaten if you do not have kidney problems or without a doctor's prescription.

7. Alcohol addiction

Many people who have a habit of drinking alcohol often do not have a dose. And drinking too much alcohol is very harmful for the kidneys. Alcohol contains a variety of toxins, which put extra strain on the kidneys to remove from the body. As a result, to save the kidneys, alcohol addiction must be reduced.

8. Addiction to smoking

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking is harmful to all parts of the body, including the kidneys. In addition, various studies have linked kidney disease with smoking. If you want a healthy kidney, quit smoking.

9. Not paying attention to cold and cough

Many of us have a habit of not paying attention to the common cold and cough. But this cold-cough can be harmful for the kidneys. In addition, various studies have shown that many people who suffer from kidney problems have a history of not resting properly during illness.

10. Staying up at night

Staying up at night, not being able to sleep is a regular problem for many of us. But sleep is very important for the body for many reasons. During sleep, the tissues of the organs of the body are renewed. As a result, if the problem of not being able to sleep continues, this work of the organs of the body including the kidneys is hampered. This reduces the normal functioning of the kidneys.

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