Recents in Beach

Leech therapy is a natural treatment for incurable diseases including heart disease

Hirudo medicinalis species of leech is used in Leech Therapy. As the name implies, there is a connection with medicine. At first, only the contaminated blood of the body was cleaned with this leech. When blood flow was stopped by the formation of pus in the veins inside the body, the blood flow was relaxed in that place using leech. But now leech is used in the treatment of various diseases including heart disease.
  • The Hirudo Medicinalis leech has three jaws with small teeth in two rows. These teeth cling to the skin of the person being treated to absorb blood. In return for taking blood themselves, they donate some beneficial ingredients to the patient's body.

  • First of all, a kind of anesthetic fluid is released from their body. It numbs the area bitten by the leech. This is why we do not notice leeches on our feet during the rainy season.

  •  Also an enzyme called heroin enters the patient's body from the saliva of the leech. Rich in anticoagulants, this enzyme plays an important role in blood purification and treatment of various diseases.

  • A leech can absorb up to 15 Millilitres of blood. Several leeches are placed in a specific place on the body. They also have a pattern to keep the glass pressed so that it does not change the position of the grip. It usually takes 20-45 minutes for a therapy to continue. There are different sessions or duration of this therapy depending on the type of disease. After the leeches are removed from the bite site, there create spots like the English letter Y. These spots disappear over time. No permanent sores are formed on the skin.

The diseases for which Leech Therapy is used

Since leech absorbs blood, Leech Therapy is used to treat various circulatory diseases. Moreover, leech saliva contains various beneficial chemical elements. These also play an important role in the treatment of various other diseases. At present, various pharmaceutical companies are making medicines with chemicals released from leech saliva.

Heart disease
Since different types of heart disease are directly involved in the blood flow of the body, Leech Therapy is used in the treatment of heart disease. Leach therapy can be applied to prevent irregular and abnormal blood flow, blood clots in veins and arteries, etc.

Currently, research is being done on the application of Leech Therapy in the treatment of various types of cancer. Although doctors have banned the use of this method in cases of blood cancer, research has shown that this therapy has been successful in reducing the effects of lung cancer. Studies have shown that by inserting leech saliva directly into rats, it is capable of rapidly destroying cancer cells.

The saliva of a Mexican species (Haementeria officinalis) contains a protein called antihistamine, which prevents lung cancer from spreading throughout the body. Researchers are exploring more different species of leech and finding ways to treat cancer.

Cosmetic surgery
People's nose, cheeks, forehead, etc. can be deformed in various accidents. These are brought back to their original face through cosmetic surgery. But after surgery, blood clots can form in the skin tissues. Leach therapy can be used as an easy and completely natural way to get rid of these clots. In addition, applying Leech Therapy to the scalp stops hair loss. Thus, in order to keep the blood flow to the various organs normal after the surgery and without any complications, Leech Therapy is a completely natural and side effect free technique.

When diabetes becomes severe, the blood flow to the arms of the body, such as the hands, feet, fingers, etc., stops completely and begins to rot. At this time there is no other way but to cut the the organ. Leach therapy can be used to prevent these terrible consequences. The substance called heroin released by leech saliva relaxes the blood and ensures normal flow. In a recent experimental operation, a 60-year-old diabetic patient was saved from having his leg amputated through leach therapy. Some Chinese therapists have obtained results using a special species of leech (Whitmania Pigra).

Leach therapy has been used to treat various dental abnormalities, such as jaw pain and swollen gums. This therapy has been used in facial surgery as well as dentistry since the early nineteenth century.

It goes without saying that there are no side effects of leach therapy. However, the risk depends entirely on the individual. For example, if someone is allergic to leech saliva, leach therapy should not be applied to it. Many times there is a possibility of bacterial infection. So you have to be sure that the leeches that will be used will be approved by the doctor.

Leach therapy is an absolutely 100% natural and low cost medical procedure. So there is no reason to panic if you ever face this therapy. Strange as it may seem, this therapy has many benefits and is relatively inexpensive.

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