Recents in Beach

The Importance Of Vitamin C In Boosting Our Body Is Immense

The importance of vitamin C in boosting the body's resistance to disease is immense. Especially during this epidemic of corona virus, it is most important to increase immunity.

But the problem is that it cannot be stored in our body So you have to eat in moderation every day.

  • 30 to 35 mg for children
  • 45 mg for adults
  • 55 mg for pregnant mothers
  • 60 mg in pregnant mothers.

Source - (Vitamin C is given per 100 grams of different foods)
Fruits: Amalki (483 mg), Guava (228), Karamcha (135), Grapefruit (105), Mango (92), Dewa (7), Paper Lemon (63), Ripe papaya (72), Blackberry (60), Malta (54), Plum (51), Musambi (50), Lemon (48), Ripe Mango (41), Orange (40), Olive (39), Ata (38), Ripe Pal (35), Pineapple (34) ), Litchi (31), vedana (26), melons (28), watermelon (24), jamrul (22) etc.

Vegetables: Shajnapata (220 mg), Nateshak (169), Dhanesapata (135), Datashak (63), Carrot leaves (69), Carrots (6), Bitshak (60), Mulashak (69), Punishak (64) (63), Chholashak (61), Sarsheshak (60), Barbatipata (56), Patshak (54), Methishak (52), Laushak (48), Sabuj Kachushak (48), Helenchashak (43), Lalshak (43), Batuashak (41), Mistikumrashak (36), Kalmishak (30), Palangshak (30) etc.
Vegetables: Chilli (125), Uchche (98), Karala (91), Raw Mango (90), Cauliflower (63), Shajane (60), Cauliflower (53), Stem (36), Sweet Potato (35), Radish (34), Raw Tomato (31), Rice Pumpkin (31), Ripe Tomato (28), Onion Cabbage (28), Sweet Pumpkin (28), Turnip (25), Arhar (25), French Bean (24), Raw Banana ( 23), raw papaya (19), potato (19), patal (19), chichinga (19), potato (18), radish (18), banana mocha (18), cabbage (18), beet (15), Enchor (14), red bean (12), punya stalk (11) etc.

In addition, dried chillies (48), lemon peel (129), mint leaves (22) and thankuni leaves (24) also contain vitamin C.

Note: Vitamin C is lost in heat.

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